EPR Architects does not pursue a house style. Instead, we are open-minded and collaborative, ensuring that designs flow from the context and are brought to life with imagination. In this way, we deliver best-in-class, well-considered buildings, masterplans and interiors with the optimum outcome not only for our clients, but for all those who experience our buildings.

We prioritise the wellbeing of occupants through the selection of healthy materials, access to outdoor spaces and attention to biophilic design principles. As a result, our buildings are well-considered and convivial places to live and work.

EPR’s rigorous design process embraces an ambitious sustainability agenda. As well as supporting retrofit principles, we are delivering many low and net zero carbon projects — including our own All Saints studio in London — and aim to achieve net zero carbon on all our projects as soon as possible. We make sure our buildings not only fulfil their initial functions, but are flexible enough to adapt easily to new uses in the future if required.

EPR also has a social purpose aside from its projects. We empower our staff to engage in activities beyond the practice for wider community and industry benefits. These include extensive outreach activities with local schools to help diversify access to the architectural profession. We also undertake pro bono projects, including the completion of a centre in London for young people who are blind or partially sighted for the Royal Society for Blind Children.